The 16-year-old girl who cycled from Sikandarpur in Haryana to Darbhanga in Bihar in May this year with her ailing father has been conferred with the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar, on the Republic Day 2021.
Jyoti Kumari, a native of Dharbhanga, Bihar, covered over 1,200 km in her cycle with her ailing father. She took ten days to reach the destination.
Who is Jyoti Kumari?
The sudden nationwide lockdown affected millions of migrant labourers across the country. Among them was Mohan Paswan from Bihar. He had undergone a surgery and was unable to use tiring transport services. Trains stopped services by the time, and he got stuck in Haryana. But his daughter Jyoti Kumari was firm and brave enough to take her father to their home in her cycle.
She cycled over 1,200 km from Sikandarpur in Haryana to Darbhanga in Bihar in her cycle with her ailing father.