Sunday’s are amazing days. For most of us, Sunday’s are a day of rest — a chance to relax, spend time with our family and friends and step away from work. Yet, for many people, Sunday’s can be a day of gloom. The thought of having to go back to work the next day and rejoin the hustle and bustle of everyday working life creates a dark cloud over a day that should be a joy.
With the right approach, though, Sunday’s can be days of rejuvenation—a chance to recharge our batteries—and to set ourselves up for a fantastic week. It is just a matter of the way you look at Sundays.
Here are 10 ways for your Sundays to be amazingly productive:
1. Wake up at Your Normal Time
The problem here is by over-sleeping on a Sunday, you often find it difficult to get to sleep Sunday night and that begins the cycle of sleep debt you want to avoid.
Waking up at your normal time maintains regular sleep patterns and this helps to make sure your sleep schedule is consistent throughout the week.
2. Start the Day With “Me-Time”
“Me-time” is the time you give to yourself. It’s time you can spend doing all the things you love doing without the fear of being interrupted. That could be exercise, reading, going for a long walk or meditation.
3. Do Some Exercise
Now, this does not mean you go out and do a 10-mile run or spend one or two hours in the gym. What this means is to get outside and move.
4. Plan the Day
Not having a plan for the day will leave you at the mercy of outside events. Instead, decide on Saturday evening what you will do the next day. Make sure you wake up at your normal time, indulge in your favourite morning drink and start your day.
Your plan does not have to be too detailed. Something similar to:
Wake up and make coffee
Put on some great music
Sit down and enjoy coffee
Take a 2-hour walk
Read for an hour or two
Spend some time with family
5. Watch a Sports Game
This is a great way to get yourself away from thinking about work and your troubles. Whatever sport you enjoy, take some time on Sunday to watch a game. Just getting into the game, enjoying the skills on show and marvelling at the professionalism removes you from your everyday world for a while.
6. Make Sure You Do Something Different
Do anything that breaks up your routine. Like watching a sports game, it takes you away from the normal everyday life you lead and gives you something refreshingly different to enjoy and experience.
7. Clean Up
It can be hard to find the time to stay on top of all the cleaning during the week, so setting aside some time each Sunday to do a clean-up leaves you feeling refreshed, energized and ready for whatever the following week will throw at you.
8. Clear Out Your Email
What? Doing email on a Sunday? Yes. Why? Because the worst thing you can do is start the new week with an inbox full of last week’s unread emails.
For most of us, Monday morning is likely to be the one day in the week we do not have a lot of email in our inboxes, so we can begin the day on our most important project work. If you spend an hour or two cleaning up your email from last week, you miss a tremendous opportunity to start with a clean slate.
9. Do Some Work on Your Side Project
Now, this does not mean work. This means your own personal projects. It could be a DIY project, doing something in your garden, restoring an old car or writing your book.
10. Read a Book
During the week, it can be hard to read a good book. We get up, rush out the door to get to work (or move to our home workstation and start the computer). When we finish the day, we are exhausted and just want to vegetate in front of the TV.
Don’t waste Sunday’s. They give you a great opportunity to spend time with the books you want to read.
Bottom Line
Sunday’s need to be restful, relaxing and give you a chance to do those things you do not normally have time to do. It’s an incredible day, so don’t waste it laying in bed watching endless episodes of your favourite TV series.
Reference – Lifehack